Rhetorical Analysis Sample Essay

Once you’ve gathered all of the information you need from the text and identified all of the rhetorical techniques used in your article, it’s time to start writing. Before you write, start with an outline that will help you organize your thoughts and information to create a cohesive, structured how to write a rhetorical analysis paper that flows perfectly. The basic thing to avoid when writing a rhetorical analysis essay or any other academic paper is to have minimal to no grammar or punctuation errors, and spelling mistakes. Here’s how you can write an effective rhetorical analysis essay in six simple steps.

An appeal is an attempt to earn audience approval or agreement by playing to natural human tendencies or common experience. Feedback is always useful, especially when it allows you to improve your grade before it is too late.

Examine The Appeals

Keep in mind that sensory details, emotions, and examples altogether help support the thesis statement. Just like arguments help support the main idea in the argumentative or persuasive essay.

how to write a rhetorical analysis

Its talented academic authors with more than 20 years of combined experience in educational services used to write such works on a timely basis. For that reason, their professionalism can comply with the requirements of the most demanding how to write a rhetorical analysis people. When writing a rhetorical analysis, you are NOT saying whether or not you agree with the argument. Instead, you’re discussing HOW the author makes that argument and whether or not the approach used is successful.


Rhetoric aims to teach students how to percept speeches, texts, and arguments in terms of how they are built to convince the audience. The main techniques used in rhetoric are logos, ethos, and pathos. At first sight, these terms sound like some magic spell. Still, they are the main points of Aristotle’s persuasion. Years ago, Aristotle outlined these three terms in his book “Rhetoric.” They are now considered to be the best persuasive strategies to be used in rhetorical analysis. Rhetoric is the art of effective writing, speaking, or communicating.

Remember to use a lot of quotes and excerpts to support your arguments. The introductory paragraph needs to begin with introducing the text you’re analyzing along with details on the author. It’s a good idea to include a crisp summary, just in case your instructor is unaware of what it’s about. Do not simply repeat the thesis in your introduction word-for-word. Instead, rephrase it using new terminology while essentially sharing the same information.When restating your thesis, you should be able to quickly analyze how the original author’s purpose comes together. Do not simply state, “This paper is a rhetorical analysis.” Weave the information into the introduction as naturally as possible.

How To Plan A Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Rhetoric is the art of effective and persuasive communication that is appropriate to a given situation. Although a thorough understanding of effective oral, written, and visual communication can take years of study, the foundation of such communication begins with rhetoric. With this foundation, even if you are just starting out, you can become a more powerful, more flexible writer. Rhetoric is key to being able to write effectively and persuasively how to write an analytical essay in a variety of situations. The text you analyze might be explanatory, although there will be aspects of argument because you must negotiate with what the author is trying to do and what you think the author is doing. Edward P.J. Corbett observes, rhetorical analysis “is more interested in a literary work for what it does than for what it is”(qtd. in Nordqvist). The following outline is an example of how you could structure your rhetorical analysis.

Ask yourself how the rhetorical strategies of appeals and style help the author achieve his or her purpose. Determine if any of these strategies fail and hurt the author instead of helping. Logos, or logical appeals, use reason to make an argument. Most academic discourse should make heavy use of logos. A writer who supports an argument with evidence, data, and undeniable facts uses logos. The connection, often unstated and assumed, between the claim and the supporting reason, or support. The warrant is the assumption that makes the claim seem plausible.

Sample Rhetorical Analysis

For instance, if a family therapist with 20 years of practice writes an article on improving familial relations, mention of that experience would be using ethos. Despite their name, these appeals don’t have anything to do with “ethics” as we usually think of them. As our discussion progresses, students recognize patterns emerging in their ideas about the poem. This is when we begin to apply our ideas more deliberately to elements of the rhetorical triangle and connect them to other texts.

  • Your goal is to show how the essay, debate, or story’s structure, rhetorical appeals, and strategies attempt to persuade us of its/their point of view.
  • When you use logos to persuade someone of something, you use facts and logical information, data, and/or statistics to convince the reader that something is true.
  • Your goal here, as we have said, is to show us how a text works, what strategy or strategies it uses.
  • Ethos, or ethical appeals, rely on the writer’s credibility and character in the garnering of approval.
  • Let’s first understand what a rhetorical analysis essay is.
  • As our discussion progresses, students recognize patterns emerging in their ideas about the poem.
  • Writing, we have said, is a process of thinking, and so to produce a piece capable of persuading others we almost always need to write in stages.

Try to focus on using words such as “effective” or “ineffective” when composing your thesis, rather than “good” or “bad.” You want to avoid seeming like you are passing value judgments. The speaker refers to the first and last name of the writer. If the writer has any credentials that lend to his or her authority on the matter at hand, you should also briefly consider those. Note that if the narrator is different from the writer, though, it could also refer to the narrator.

A Good Introduction

Identify and describe the rhetorical appeals used by the speaker, as well as other devices, such as tone, syntax, imagery, etc. Your conclusion should summarize the points you’ve made in the main body of your essay. While you will draw the points together, this is not the place to introduce new information you’ve not previously mentioned. Create a thesis statement to come at the end of your introduction.

how to write a rhetorical analysis

In Dylan’s lyrics, my students often first notice the repetition of the line “it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall” and the sense of impending danger it creates. I’ve had students describe the tone of the poem as “urgent” and “ominous,” and these first noticings lead us into a more in-depth, focused examination of the poem. Revise the final papers at least two times to see whether you fixed everything. The good idea is to give your finished essay to people around to share their thoughts on improvement.

Think about Martin Luther King, Jr.’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. Why do you think this speech resonated with so many people and became one of the most well known speeches in history? He made his audience really feel the pain that African Americans were going through in the segregated ‘60s and appealed to emotions to promote the need for equal treatment between races. Rhetorical strategies are used in every political speech, opinion article, argumentative essay, and advertisement. Every TED Talk you’ve ever watched involves rhetorical strategies, and the same goes for every commercial you’ve seen or every documentary you’ve watched. These are tools the writer can use to generate a certain reaction from the reader. These include elements such as word choice, word order, tone, repetition, imagery, analogies and figurative language.

You might think of the piece you choose to analyze as a particular kind of engine whose machinations produce particular results. An analysis of the engine examines all the parts, how they work in isolation, together, etc. to see how the engine does what it does, or makes what it makes.

What Is The Central Idea?

If you have so far never heard of those three critical components of effective persuasion, this is the time to finally master them. In fact, knowing them proves to be useful not only in writing but in any sphere that requires decision-making and convincing. Be sure to give your essay a good title, one that signals the slant and/or value of your analysis. In this essay, the only citations you need to provide are the page numbers of directly quoted passages of the text you are analyzing. A warrant is an assumption that ties the evidence to the claim.

To write a rhetorical analysis, you’ll first break down the rhetorical situation and analyze the author’s rhetorical strategies. The idea here is to get to the audience’s emotions with the help of the arguments you provide. Aim to receive an emotional response to your rhetorical analysis to succeed. With SOAPS on the brain, it’s time to choose your topic. You can complete a rhetorical analysis on different types of writing like speeches, poems, famous addresses, etc.

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